All students must pass the grade 10 MCAS test in English
Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics and one of the two high school Science and
Technology tests in order to be eligible for a high school diploma (in addition
to fulfilling local graduation requirements).
MCAS Test Dates for 2023-2024
Grade 9
Science..................... June 4th & 5th
Grade 10
ELA.......................... March 26th & 27th
Mathematics............ May 21st & 22nd
Grade 10 - Retests
ELA.......................... November 8th & 9th
Mathematics............ November 14th & 15th
Biology..................... February 6th & 7th
ELA.......................... March 4th & 6th
Mathematics............ March 7th & 8th
Click for information about the John & Abigail Adams Scholarship
Click for information about the Stanley Koplik scholarship
Click to learn more about the differences between the two scholarships
Students are required
to obtain a Meeting Expectations score on
both the English Language Arts and the Mathematics MCAS grade 10 tests in order
to satisfy the requirements of the Competency Determination. If a student does
not meet this requirement he/she will be placed on an Educational Proficiency Plan.
For more information please click the link above.